Those preparing for baptism this Holy Saturday will receive the new life of Christ in the sacrament of Baptism. Responding to the grace of God’s call to become a member of the Catholic community, they embrace and claim Jesus as their Redeemer. In the company of the Holy Spirit, let us be aware of God’s presence in our lives today as we pray for these soon-to-be baptized members of the Body of Christ. Walk through the day in the presence of God and note the many graces given: in the day’s gifts, joys, and in every seemingly small pleasure. May that awareness re-open our hearts to accept Jesus, the Word of God, present to us throughout every day.
Readings for Feb. 29, 2016, Monday of the Third Week of Lent
Reading 1 — 2 Kings 5:1-15AB
Responsorial Psalm — Psalm 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4
Verse Before The Gospel — Psalm 130:5, 7
Gospel — Luke 4:24-30
To see today’s readings, click here for USCCB’s Daily Readings …