VOTF Actions Now

Your VOTF Convocation Implementation Team (CIT) has been busy as always finding new ways to foster and evaluate the Child Protection and Financial Accountability Campaigns over the past two years.

The two most recent initiatives have been:

1. To encourage VOTF members to make their grave concern about Cardinal George becoming President of the USCCB known to their local bishop(s). The reason for our vote of no confidence is his weak implementation of the Charter for Children and Youth in his own archdiocese especially regarding the Rev. Daniel McCormack sexual abuse case. We trust that you have written a note to your own local bishop expressing your own serious reservation about this. (Your regional rep should have sent you background information on this.)

[To emphasize that our goal is church reform, news of the letter writing campaign was not initially sent to the media. We wanted to give bishops a chance to deliberate on the impact of electing Cardinal George without outside media pressure. Public release is planned before the end of September.]

2. An even larger initiative involves local affiliates surveying their own diocese to determine compliance with Child Protection, Financial, and Church Governance Accountability. These three surveys can be obtained on the home page of the VOTF website under CONSCIENCE + COURAGE = DISCIPLESHIP. The deadline for completing the on-line survey is Sept. 15, 2007. As of Sept. 10, we had results from 25 dioceses. If your affiliate has not yet responded, please encourage members to do it right away. Results from all the participating dioceses will be distributed at the Providence Convention on Oct. 19 and then posted for the public.

Convocation Implementation Committee
Janet Hauter, Hugh O’Regan, Susan Vogt, Mary Pat Fox, and Donna Doucette

In the Vineyard
September 13, 2007
Volume 6, Issue 17 Printer Friendly Version (PDF)

Page One

Office Note: Looking for meaningful volunteer work? The VOTF National office can help! We have a menu of opportunities. Please call Millie Seaborn at 617-558-5252 or email at mseaborn@votf.org.

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