VOTF 2007 Catherine of Siena Lay Person’s Award

Catherine of Siena encountered corruption and crisis in the Church and took noble and effective action to end it. She was an innovator and agent of change during a very divisive time in our Church’s history. She spoke truth to power. Because of these attributes, the Catherine of Siena award was introduced at the 2005 VOTF convocation in Indianapolis to honor a layperson who has exhibited these attributes. The first recipient was Justice Ann Burke.

This year we are pleased to present this award to Carolyn Disco of Merrimack, New Hampshire. Carolyn has been with VOTF since its founding. One letter from the documentation offered with her nomination states that, “Carolyn has just amazed all of us with her dedication to the support of the abused, attempting to right what is wrong with the hierarchy here in New Hampshire as well as throughout the country. Carolyn has provided a wealth of information on a minutes notice with regard to the law, both civil and canon. She keeps us up to date on the legal proceedings that have taken place here in New Hampshire and elsewhere. She marched, fought, and searched records whenever the situation called for doing so. She wrote to the Pope asking for the removal of Bishop McCormack as well as Aux. Bishop Christian.”

We invite you to join us at the convention and honor Carolyn as she truly deserves to be honored.

In the Vineyard
September 13, 2007
Volume 6, Issue 17 Printer Friendly Version (PDF)

Page One

Office Note: Looking for meaningful volunteer work? The VOTF National office can help! We have a menu of opportunities. Please call Millie Seaborn at 617-558-5252 or email at mseaborn@votf.org.

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