The Democracy of God: An American Catholicism by Robert J. Willis is published by iUniverse.Inc. and is available at

Crisis grips the American Catholic community and, for many, its future hangs in the balance. Current leaders fixate on two plans. In one they march steadfastly into the past, pursuing the illusion of a remnant group of the righteous armored by uniformity, a sorry substitute for a religious community. In another they resolutely protect the status quo. Before the eyes of an incredulous people they are transforming the Church into a museum of religious artifacts, a fitting destination for inquisitive tourists, occasional visitors, and the uninvolved.

There is a third alternative. Calling upon the democratic attempts of John Carroll and John England, the incisive comments of Tocqueville about religion in a democracy, and the theology of Vatican II, he challenges bishops to forsake their status as minor lords in a medieval monarchy and, instead, to embrace a servant leadership within the People of God.

Robert J. Willis was a Jesuit from 1953-1972, holds master's degrees in philosophy and theology, and a doctorate in psychology. He has documented these years as a Catholic religious and priest in his recently published Breaking the Chains: A Catholic Memoir (iUniverse, July 2005). For more detailed information, visit the author's website.

In the Vineyard
July 13, 2006
Volume 5, Issue 13 Printer Friendly Version (PDF)

Page One

Diocese/State Watch

SITE-Seeing, Etc.

Letter to the Editor -
a comment on Gaile Pohlhaus’s experience in Los Angeles


Book Notes: An overview of The Democracy of God: An American Catholicism by Robert Willis

Structural Change Working Group

Voice of Renewal/Lay Education

Prayerful Voice

Goal 2 - Priest Support



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