Understanding “Accountability” in Santa Rosa, CA
Carolyn Disco, VOTF New Hampshire

Mandatory reporting is widely ignored by prosecutors who sidestep the issue – Cardinal George violated Illinois law with no legal consequences; Bishop Walsh in Santa Rosa, the same – and we do not press for the law to be enforced, never mind even have charges investigated. I call that deference. Bishops of course did not mean to…never intended…etc, etc., when the real question is: Did they abide by the law or not? Intent is negated by actions that contradict it.

A column written by a local CA reporter about Santa Rosa said the law requires abuse to be reported “immediately or as soon as is practically possible by telephone.” She added, “Instead of calling Child Protective Services, the bishop apparently waited a day and called his lawyer, Dan Galvin. Galvin then waited two days before sending a fax to CPS,” and another day before alerting police. There are phones to reach CPS and the police 24/7. A priest who knew Ochoa’s whereabouts before Ochoa crossed the border, just told him to rest up and come back. Bishop Walsh said he did not think Ochoa was a flight risk. That is not for him to decide.

When will we speak up for genuine accountability, even if it means criminal investigations and prosecutions of bishops? The next time, or maybe the time after that, or perhaps even a third or fourth case? I want to start keeping count, and report back in a year. I keep thinking of the victim/survivors and where they are right now, tonight, as they see so few exercised about criminal violations. Bishops continue to get away with everything under the law, just like before, only this time we know about it.

In the Vineyard
July 13, 2006
Volume 5, Issue 13 Printer Friendly Version (PDF)

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Diocese/State Watch

SITE-Seeing, Etc.

Letter to the Editor -
a comment on Gaile Pohlhaus’s experience in Los Angeles


Book Notes: An overview of The Democracy of God: An American Catholicism by Robert Willis

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