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Co-chaired by Marty Green and Svea Fraser (contact information at end of report) Jeannine Driscoll, Peter Flood, Mary Ann Keyes, Mary Scanlon-Calcaterra and Jim Walsh

The Nominating Committee was charged with the following tasks:

  • Post description of duties and time commitments required of officers and moderator;
  • solicit nominations for officers and moderator;
  • contact nominees to determine availability;
  • collect background information and reasons for wanting to be elected;
  • interview nominees;
  • present slate of two to three candidates per office for election on 1/23/03 by the Representative Council;
  • Post slate of candidates on Web site.

The following report covers Process, Recommendations, the Slate of Candidates, the list of all Proposed Nominees, and Election Procedures.

The process of soliciting and interviewing nominations was an extraordinary educational and inspirational experience for all of us on the nominating committee. We were deeply moved by the many faith-filled, talented, and dedicated members who are willing to take leadership roles in promoting our mission and goals on behalf of our church. We learned so much about the needs and direction of our movement at this time, and the interest of people across the country.

Nominations came in from all over the country (75 in all). Our first decision was to contact every person whose name had been proposed and ask if they would accept the nomination. As it is not possible to accommodate those who live at a great distance from Boston and are not able to attend the many meetings, we asked for input and encouraged their leadership in local affiliates, and at the same time spoke of future leadership possibilities at a national level. It is obvious that it is time for us to develop a national network, one that is an umbrella to regional or archdiocesan structures: those who were nominated, with others who are already leading affiliates across the country, will provide the basis for a gathering of leaders to consider the national organization of VOTF. In the meantime, it provided members of the nominating committee a wonderful opportunity to connect with people who are now new friends and brother and sister disciples in our mission!

Once all the names were collected, and individuals contacted, the committee decided to "interview" each nominee, including the incumbent officers. This served a twofold purpose: it gave the committee a chance to meet them all, and it gave the nominees a chance to ask questions and offer their insights and vision. Issues of commitment to the goals, spirituality, suitability to the position, availability for meetings and various demands, geographic diversity and age and gender balance were taken into consideration. (Parenthetically, we hope that before long we are not an organization that is stereotyped as middle-aged and middle class only).

For your information, the names of all those nominated (with the exception of a few with whom we were never able to connect) are posted along with the slate of candidates proposed for election. We apologize if there is a situation where we did not confirm a nominee's interest in serving or if the nominator thinks we did not connect. We are confident that we did our utmost to contacting everyone.

It was an enriching experience and gave us an overall view of the organization that is both privileged and unique. The wisdom gleaned from both the interviews (16 in all, thirty minutes each over three days' time) and the telephone conversations will be shared in a summary report after the elections.

Two recommendations for immediate consideration are:

  1. Gathering a group of leaders from across the country to a listening/brainstorming session for building the National arm of VOTF as soon as possible — preferably a venue outside of Boston.

  2. Considering the possibility of additional vice presidents to meet the needs of the organization (spreads the heavy work load, useful for development purposes, broadens governance and accountability) for example, an executive v.p. for external affairs, coordinating with leadership of other national organizations, facilitating special events and standing in for the president as needed; a v.p. for internal affairs, overseeing administration and strategic planning; a v.p. for coordinating all communication/weekly updates/community-building. It was also suggested that there might be vice presidents representing different regions. Some of these concerns overlap with the issue of the Boston/national identity in the previous recommendation.

What we offer is more than a "slate of candidates." The following names represent the gifts and talents of dedicated people who typify all of our membership. Descriptions for the roles of each of the officers were posted on the Web site in December when we were soliciting nominations. We have not repeated the job descriptions, as they did not strictly define or confine each office. The bylaws are flexible for each role. Attached to each candidate, however, is a brief statement of background and purpose for their candidacy.

The most nominations for a specific office were proposed for the vice president, which caused us to make the previous recommendation for multiple vice presidents: not only is there a need, but there is a highly qualified field of people nominated from which to choose. Narrowing the slate to three candidates was nearly impossible, as every single one of the nominees proposed would be fully capable of filling the position. In every instance, those people we interviewed expressed their commitment to Voice of the Faithful regardless of whether they were elected to a specific position or not. We are grateful to all the nominees who have given so generously of their time and talent, and who, we know, will continue to do so.

Background and position statements for each candidate are linked to the Web site and can be read by clicking on the individual names.

Slate of Candidates

Vice President
Bill Cadigan (incumbent)
Ann Carroll
Jane MacDonald


Following is a list of all those nominated, but who declined or were not placed as candidates, and their geographic location:

For President:
Lisa Sowle Cahill (MA)
Anne Barrett Doyle (MA)
Svea Fraser (MA)
Steve Krueger (MA)
Mary Ann Keyes (MA)
Maura O'Brien (MA)
Susan Troy (MA)

For Vice President:
Anne Barrett Doyle (MA)
Maureen Corcoran (RI)
Sheldon Daly (MA)
Tim Donahue (MA)
Scott Fraser (MA)
Svea Fraser (MA)
Mike Gustin (MA)
Mary Hogan (MA)
Kim Marks Johnson (MA)
Jan Leary (MA)
Ben Murphy (MA)
Suzy Nauman (MA)
Joanne Nowak (MA)
Gaile Polhaus (PA)
Margaret Roylance (MA)
David Thorpe (MA)
Peggie Thorp (MA)
Susan Troy (MA)
Ann Urban (MA)

For Secretary/Clerk
Alice Connors (MA)
Carolyn Disco (NH)

For Treasurer
Cathy Fallon (MA)
David Castaldi (MA)

For Council Moderator
Alejandro Andreus (NJ)
Thomas C. Fox (MO)
Julie Lynch (VA)
Barbara Morrison (MA)
Bernie O'Kane (MA)
Susan Troy (MA)

For Any Position
Paul Baier (MA)
Doris Bourque (CT)
Anne Coughlin (NH)
Bill D'Antonia (Washington, D.C.)
Maurice Donovan (MA)
Kathy Dunn (MA)
Mike Fitzgerald (MA)
Eileen Ford (MA)
Goz Gosselin (CT and FL)
Melissa Ford Gradel (NY)
Kathleen Devine Hendricksen (PA)
Vincent Joseph (NY)
Linda Makay (MA)
Tony Massimini (PA)
Arnult Mitchell (NM)
Joanne Moran (CT)
Mary Ann Murray (CT)
Jayne O'Donnell (CT)
Sister Betty O'Hare (CT)
Dori White Pulizzi (MA)
Ken Sauer (IND)
Joan Sexton (NY)
Linda Sidzina (MI)
David Thorp (MA)
Trish Vanni (MN)
Barbara Viechnicki (MA)
Ed Wilson (NY)
John F. Wissler (MA)
Gene Zirkel (NY)
Pat Zirkel (NY)


The Election Committee will conduct the elections at the Council Meeting in conformance with the process approved at the December 11, 2002 meeting. Following is an overview: there will be more SPECIFIC information on the Web site prior to the Council meeting.

Council Members will elect officers from the Slate of Candidates. Each candidate will be allowed two minutes to address the Council prior to the vote for that particular office.


The list of Council Representatives is posted.

Please note that the names of new parish affiliate representatives were to be submitted to the Council Moderator by December 31, 2002 (and to Mary Ann Keyes). It is important for each affiliate to elect a rep to the Council, whether or not he/she can attend. In addition, be sure that all representatives are registered members (be sure you have re-registered if you have not already done so). The representative from an affiliate would be the recipient of important information through leadership notices about breaking news, motions being presented to the Council and the warrant. It is incumbent upon the representative to present the views of his/her affiliate on issues and in turn to keep the affiliate apprised of what is going on nationally in terms of governance. They really become the link between the Representative Council and the affiliate. If you have questions about who represents you, please contact the Coordinator for Parish Affiliates (MaryAnn Keyes at makmad@attbi.com)

Please note: Although it would be ideal to have the capacity to have every registered member vote directly for these officers, it is not possible (operationally or economically) at this time. We are in a transition year moving toward more representational voting in subsequent years. From the outset, this election was intended to be accomplished through the Representative Council. We apologize for any confusion, or frustration. We are learning as we go and appreciate your understanding, good will-and offers of help in the future!

We pray for God's blessing on this endeavor, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in discerning God's will for us and for our Church. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Marty Green (greenmahoney@charter.net)
Svea Fraser (sveaandscott@attbi.com)






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