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VOTF Canidates for Election
Election Information

President Vice President Treasurer Secretary/Clerk Council Moderator

Canidate for President
Jim Post - Uncontested

Jim Post - Background

  1. President, Voice of the Faithful, June 2002-present.
  2. Professor of Management at Boston University. Teaching and research interests include nonprofit organizations and public affairs management.
  3. Education: St. Bonaventure U. and Villanova Law School; PhD from SUNY.
  4. Twenty-five years experience as consultant to businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies.

Statement of Jim Post

It is a privilege — and a challenge — to serve as president of Voice of the Faithful.

VOTF is a movement of thousands of Catholics who are working to reclaim the moral integrity of the Church they love. Our job, as Council members and as officers, is to form the organization that can effectively advance this movement. This goal can be achieved through the collaborative efforts of people who trust one another and who are unafraid to share their commitment and talents.

The central challenge facing the president is to foster and encourage the trust, cooperation, and shared commitments that will enable the laity to ensure that their Church is living its moral mission. Together, we will press our shared commitment to social justice for survivors, to support for priests who are faithfully living their vows, and to the implementation of reforms that will enable this process of renewal and recovery to take place in our Church.

The president must encourage a leadership team of officers, leaders of working groups, employees, and VOTF members. Grassroots organizations such as VOTF require broad, vibrant leadership. We have been blessed with talented and committed people in every facet of VOTF. Now, we must develop ways to attract new members and to encourage talented women and men to assume new leadership responsibilities.

A special challenge in 2003 is to develop the national organization structure that will help us coordinate activities across the nation, support local affiliates, and become an effective voice for Catholic laity across the nation.

We have come a great distance in the past year. As Voice of the Faithful begins the second year of existence, I am proud to speak as president of an organization that stands for moral courage.

Your confidence in Voice of the Faithful, and in me, is a source of great strength. Together, we are making history. Together, we are creating an important chapter in the history of the Catholic Church in America. Together, we are helping to make a difference.






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Mission Statement

To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.


Our Goals

1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

2. To support priests of integrity

3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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at Noon

Jesus, Lord and Brother, help us with our faithfulness. Please hear our voice, and let our voice be heard. Amen. More



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