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VOTF Canidates for Election

Election Information

President Vice President Treasurer Secretary/Clerk Council Moderator

Canidates for Vice President
Bill Cadigan (incumbent)
Ann Carroll
Jane MacDonald

Jane MacDonald
Over the past eight months I have served as a representative to the VOTF Council from St. Ignatius Parish in Newton, MA, as a coordinator of the Membership Working Group, and as a member of the Executive Committee. In my work with these groups, each functioning at a different level within the organization, I've experienced the enormous energy, commitment and creativity of so many dedicated VOTF members as we've worked to grow a new way of being Church.

If we are to make the best use of the extraordinary array of talents that our members bring to the table, we must provide the coordination and direction implicit in a strong strategic plan. VOTF leadership and membership will develop this plan; the Vice President will have primary responsibility for overseeing its implementation.

In my past professional work in public school administration and in my current work as a department manager at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, I have developed skills in human service administration, strategic planning, staff training, and organizational development that will enable me to address the management needs associated with VOTF's internal affairs. I would welcome an opportunity to serve our membership in this office.


Ann Carroll
I am both anxious and energized by the prospect of serving as Vice President of VOTF. Anxious because I recognize this volunteer position has significant time demands. Energized because I have been deeply touched by the many wonderful people I have met through VOTF.

I am a Parish Voice Coordinator and Representative Council Rep. for the Paulist Center (Boston), a member of the Financial Voices working group, and interim Council Rep. on the Executive Committee. My professional background includes a BA in Economics and History from Mount Holyoke College, an MBA from the University of Virginia (Darden), and 15 years experience in telecommunications and management consulting.

If elected, my priorities for VOTF would be:

1) Strengthen our organizational focus:

  • Spend 80% of our time (and budget) on our three goals (support survivors, support priests, and shape structural change) and our unstated 4th goal, the nationwide growth and support of Parish Voice affiliates
  • Organize our paid and volunteer resources accordingly

2) Improve communications:

  • Reinstate the weekly email to members
  • Develop mechanisms to ensure input from the Council, affiliates and members

3) Accelerate resolution of the governance issues, and other key issues:

  • Establish SWAT teams to quickly analyze and publish findings, seeking input from affiliates, and decision-making by the Council

William J. Cadigan
I am 47 years old and have been a parishoner at St. John the Evangelist in Wellesley since 1994 when my family moved back to the Boston area. I am married with three children ages 15, 12, and 6. At St. John, I have served as a Religious Education teacher for five years, serve on the Religious Education Board, and served on the Search Committee to overhaul the administrative structure of our Religious Education program and to hire our current Directors of Religious Education. I also served on the Capital Campaign Committee to renovate our church. Additionally, I served on our Pastoral Council for three years and was elected president my last year.

I am a graduate of Boston College High School (The Jesuit High School of Boston) and Amherst College. I am currently on the Board of Trustees at B.C. High and serve on the Executive Committee. I serve as chairman of the Investment Committee and recently served on the Finance Committee and the search committee that hired our first lay president.

I also serve on the Board of Trustees of Wide Horizons for Children, the largest non-profit international adoption agency in New England. I am the chairman of the Investment Committee.

I am now self-employed (since 1999), managing stock and bond portfolios for individual investors. Prior to then, I was the Global Head of the Private Client Group at Credit Suisse First Boston, overseeing our international and domestic retail client division.

I am currently the Vice President of Voice of the Faithful. I became involved with VOTF as a founding member last winter. I believe we are at a crucial crossroads in our life as an organization. Although Cardinal Law has resigned, our real work is just beginning. We cannot let his resignation let us or others think that our work is done. We still face huge challenges in supporting those abused by clergy, supporting priests of integrity, and effecting stuctural change within the Catholic Church. We need to continue to work to ensure that the laity gets an important seat and a meaningful voice at the table. It won't happen overnight. It will take honest, open discussion of the issues. It will take perseverance and patience. It will take great effort to overcome the history of "pray, pay, and obey". And it will take massive organization, more than we have now.

As VOTF grows beyond Boston, there must be more opportunity for national leadership and membership. We must provide the vehicles for this to happen. As a member of the Governance Study Committee, I am well aware of the needs and initial efforts in this area. We must have Parish affiliates and leadership all over the world.

We must seek to improve the efficiency of our office, staff and use of volunteers. Our precious financial assets need to be used carefully and wisely. We are learning as we grow how to do this.

We must also continue to insist upon dialogue with the hierarchy and not let ourselves become marginalized. As a centrist group of Catholics, we are the Church; no one should forget that.

But we have only just begun our journey. There is a long way to go. Having been Vice President for only six months, I have learned so much about what we need to do. I believe that my experience in the business world, the non-profit world, and as VP of Voice of the Faithful is an invaluable asset to the organization. I ask for your your support in continuing my efforts for a full year on your behalf.

Thank you.
Keep the Faith; Change the Church.



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Mission Statement

To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.


Our Goals

1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

2. To support priests of integrity

3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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