VOTF 2007 Convention: Discipleship in Action

In Mark's gospel we read, "The Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to his disciples, was taken up into heaven and took His seat at the right hand of God. But the disciples went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs” (Mark 16:19-20).

This VOTF convention, our third in five years, will bring together members from all over the US to share the ups and downs of the work we share; to be re-inspired by each other and by the experience of others outside of VOTF; and to renew the sense of stewardship that fueled VOTF in the first place. Our speakers, panels, and workshops are the products of lessons learned and hope rekindled. We expect that all attendees will affirm Mark’s message that indeed the Lord continues to work with us!

Over the next few months, we will be posting some recommended reading for those planning to attend the convention. For starters, we suggest

  • What is the Point of Being a Christian? by Timothy Radcliffe OP;
  • Roman Catholicism after Vatican II by Robert A. Burns OP; and
  • Living Vatican II, The 21st Council for the 21st Century by Gerald O'Collins.

In the Vineyard
March 8, 2007
Volume 6, Issue 5 Printer Friendly Version (PDF)

Page One

NRC Update

Diocese/State Watch

National Office


Convocation (2005) Implementation Team (CIT)

Lenten Actions – a reflection on conscience: “How to Tell Right from Wrong? – Just Follow Your Conscience. Is It Really That Simple?” - NRC member Susan Vogt, Region 5

Structural Change Working Group

Voice of Renewal/Lay Education

Prayerful Voice

Goal 2 - Priest Support



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