Voice of the Faithful/ Central Washington
Invites the Community to Prayer, Fasting, and Reflection

In order to rededicate ourselves to our three goals and as a sign of our love for our church and community, we are embarking on a nine-day pilgrimage – a novena, of intentional fasting and prayer. This will start on January 9th and continue through January 17th. We invite the Catholic community and the community at large to join us on this interior pilgrimage. The purpose of prayer and fasting is to conform our lives to the will of God and to gain the interior strength to do the difficult work of rebuilding trust through dialogue, transparency, and action.

We fast and pray to ask for forgiveness for not facing this responsibility many years ago and for not reaching out to victims of abuse, many of whom still hide in shame and isolation. They bear the burden of our sins.

We invite the Catholic community and the community at large to join us in this novena, these nine days of prayer, fasting, and reflection, as we seek repentance, forgiveness and renewal for our Church. What can you do? Fast from a certain food, form of entertainment, or drink (some of our members will fast from solid food for the nine days.) Pray the Novena Prayer for Victims of Sexual Abuse (see below) from January 9-17.

Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us, and forgive us for the sin of sexual abuse of children and the secrecy that has allowed this sin to fester and grow into a terrible evil that has crippled our church and our society.

Give us the interior strength and depth of character to face this plague of sexual abuse with truth, honesty, transparency, and dialogue; and lead us into a new springtime of protection for our children and restored trust in our church. Amen.

Please feel free to contact us at PO Box 2147, Yakima, WA 98907 or at votfyakimawa@yahoo.com.


In the Vineyard
January 12, 2006
Volume 1, Issue 1
Printer Friendly Version

Page One


Reflection and Prayer



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