

Prayer of the Month

(We are grateful to John Hynes, a MA VOTFer for introducing this prayer to VOTF Council members in October. The prayer is from the "Pray Every Day" chapter of Mother Teresa's book A Simple Path. It was published in 1995 by Ballantine Books, Inc., and was compiled by Lucinda Vardey.)

"Let us all become a true and fruitful branch on the vine Jesus, by accepting Him in
our lives at it pleases Him to come:
As the Truth - to be told;
As the Life - to be lived;
As the Light - to be lighted;
As the Love - to be loved;
As the Way - to be walked;
As the Joy - to be given;
As the Peace - to be spread;
As the Sacrifice - to be offered,
In our families and within our neighborhood."


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In the Vineyard
November '03
Volume 2, Issue 12

Page One

National News

Letters to the Editor

Survivor Support News

Parish Voice News

Events, Opportunities & News

What Do You Think?

Prayer of the Month

Books for your review

Printer Friendly Version

In the Vineyard Archives

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Have you received your VOTF quarterly? If not, please call the VOTF office at 617-558-5252 and request the fall issue. Submissions for the quarterly are gratefully considered. Please contact Peggie Thorp at leaderpub@votf.org.

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