

Survivor Community Report
Steve Sheehan

At the moment The Lighthouse is alive and well. It appears that, unless someone comes up with a better course of action, the physical plant in East Boston will shut its doors on December 31. Financially, this makes sense. Founders Phil and Lauren intended to fund the first two years of operation out of the proceeds of the sale of their real estate in Providence. Unfortunately, the sale did not produce the amount anticipated. Phil and Lauren have invested heavily in covering all costs (minus whatever donations have been received to date) amounting to some $700 per month for rent plus phone, Internet, Web design, and other operating expenses. It is neither just nor moral to hold them to any further commitment. They have already done far more than they were really able to do.

To continue to pay this amount of rent for a property that has not realized the anticipated attendance from survivors would be fiscally irresponsible. Donations that have been raised will continue to fund the cost of maintaining a telephone, Web site maintenance and associated expenses so that the Lighthouse can continue to be a resource and referral service for the survivor community.

Phil has been working with his accountant to provide a detailed accounting of the income and expenses of the operation. These will be posted to the Web site as soon as it is complete.

The future of the Lighthouse as an institution and its method of operation properly are the business of the survivor community for which it was organized. We advocates who are now serving on the board of directors are only trying to keep the light burning and to determine what the survivors would want to see as the future of the program.

I will do whatever I can, in accordance with the wishes of the survivors and the other directors, to ensure that accounting for the funds is accurate and that the closure of the East Boston office is handled properly. Since there are no paid functionaries in the operation, it is not to be expected that anyone can provide full-time coverage to these activities. All who are willing to help are invited and appreciated by the board.

For the remainder of this month, it is incumbent to report on the finances of the corporation and prepare for a graceful transition to a new modus operandi, whatever form that may take.

I, and I am sure that the other directors feel similarly, would appreciate any input, any ideas, any recommendations, any alternative solutions that may exist anywhere out there in the survivor/advocate communities.

For a must-read in the Christian Science Monitor, go to www.csmonitor.com, click on "Archive" and type in to the Search box "Sexual Abuse." Go to the 10/23/03 article by Mary Wiltenburg, "Sensitive task of putting a price tag on sexual abuse."


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In the Vineyard
November '03
Volume 2, Issue 12

Page One

National News

Letters to the Editor

Survivor Support News

Parish Voice News

Events, Opportunities & News

What Do You Think?

Prayer of the Month

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