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From Jim Post, President of VOTF

This Spirit-ed Year

What a grace it is to be marking the first anniversary of Voice of the Faithful. Our actual date of birth is still debated by the founders, but there is no doubt that we first introduced ourselves to the public on March 9, 2002. On that day, a group of pioneer women (and three men) from Wellesley, MA - each wearing red - attended the archdiocesan convocation in the name of "Voice of the Faithful."

It did not take very long for our pioneers to make an impression on the thousands in attendance that day. They were intelligent, articulate, and identifiable in their red outfits.

They spoke of shame, sin, and scandal. They called for justice, awareness, and commitment to correcting a system that had failed so many innocent children. They asked the archbishop cardinal to listen and to act. They were angry and they said so.

Looking back on the year that has passed, I think none of us could have imagined the incredible experience that VOTF has become. Our goals on that convocation day in March were clear: support those who have been abused; support priests of integrity; and shape structural change within the Church. These are the same goals we seek to achieve today. And we are making progress.

VOTF has captured the imagination of lay Catholics long silent. The laity need no longer tolerate being marginalized by the hierarchy of the Church. VOTF members are the parish leaders - teachers, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, sacristans - the heart of the church. They are highly educated, faithful Catholics whose talents deserve to be used to the fullest in service of the Church.

VOTF has inspired Catholics to organize parishioners into affiliates that can take positive action to promote healing in their parishes and faith communities. Today there are over 160 affiliated groups across the country, each numbering from 30 to over 600 members. VOTF has motivated parishioners to educate themselves about the rights of the laity as described in Church documents from Vatican II and Canon Law. These new insights have created a spirit of hope and renewal out of the ashes of shame.

This moral awakening of the laity - and its attendant moral voice - has been heartening. It began one year ago when VOTF's pioneers stood up and said to their bishop and to the world, "We are the Church. We are the Body of Christ."

I am proud to serve as president of Voice of the Faithful. It is a blessing to be in the company of so many wonderful people. One year old. One year young. Either way, we have come a long way. Either way, we have far to go. But you - we - are people of conviction and commitment who will not give up this fight. The Catholic Church matters to us. We are the Church. Let's get on with the work!


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In the Vineyard
VOTF One-Year Anniversary

Page One

Reflections of
Dr. Jim Muller

Jim Post Looks Back with Gratitude

Convocation Reflections

VOTF- Hope in Action

National VOTF Office Staff

Book Review
The Prophetic Imagination

Say What?


VOTF Best Practices, February 2003

Announcements and Events of Note

Printer Friendly Version

In the Vineyard Archives

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Mission Statement

To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.

Purple Cross

Our Goals

1. To support those who have been abused

2. To support priests of integrity

3. To shape structural change within Church

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Pray Each Day
at Noon

Jesus, Lord and Brother, help us with our faithfulness. Please hear our voice, and let our voice be heard. Amen. More



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