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A Call to Commitment

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

So many of you are working countless hours each week to support the efforts of VOTF at the local level around the country. For this we are extremely grateful.

What you may be less aware of is that every day, your VOTF office is filled with a group of committed individuals performing inspired work in a wonderfully collaborative fashion together under challenging circumstances. Our efforts here, I believe, have been a learning experience for all of us in what is possible through faith, commitment, and collaboration. I have never seen people give more of themselves and expect less in return than the volunteers and staff I have been fortunate enough to work with here. Their work fortifies our faith as they move mountains with theirs. Their work is ministry.

Our energy centers around six activities:

  • Forming, maintaining, and serving Parish Voice affiliates nationwide as a means to fulfill our mission.
  • Internal and external communication to reach all our members and the media.
  • Technology to keep us all connected.
  • Fundraising to help finance all our efforts as the voice of the laity.
  • Membership to keep our movement growing.
  • Administration to hold everything together.

While the environment here sometimes feels like a high-growth start-up company, at the same time there is a feeling of family, commitment, and collaboration that would be difficult, and highly improbable, to cultivate in any business environment.

In addition to the legions of volunteers who serve on committees and make all that we do as an organization possible, below is a list of the shining faces who work here in the office, as paid staff or as volunteers, and come in several times each week to perform key assignments "in the vineyard" of VOTF. Of the 29 persons listed below, 10 are paid for part-time, and 2 for full-time, services. The total compensation for these 12 is the equivalent of 6.75 full-time persons (FTE's). However, in effect, everyone is also a volunteer because of the volunteer time each gives to our organization. We are so fortunate for this and thank them - and you - for your collective commitment and dedication to Voice of the Faithful!

Warm regards,

Steve Krueger
Executive Director

VOTF Office Staff, Newton, MA
Linda Atlas Administrative Team
Jean Boyle Development Team
Anne Moynihan - Coursey Administrative Team
Robert Davis Technology Team
Luise Cahill Dittrich Communications Team
Mike Emerton Communications Team
Bill Fallon Development Team
Eileen Powers Hespeler Communications Team; Technology Team
Ann Hynes Development Team
Jean Kelly Development & Gift Processing
Kate Kenney Parish Voice Team
Mary Ann Keyes Parish Voice Team
Steve Krueger Executive Director
Henrietta Maloney Administrative Team
Pat Merlo Administrative Team
Joe Milando Technology Team
Howard Miller Administrative Team
Marianne Miller Administrative Team
Mary Moran Administrative Team
Suzy Nauman Parish Voice Team
Ann Potts Parish Voice Team
Julie Rafferty Development Team
Martha Rowland Development & Gift Processing
Donna Salacuse Development & Gift Processing
Bev Spencer Development & Gift Processing
Margaret Sudbey Development & Gift Processing
Jim Sullivan Administrative Team
Peggie Thorp Communications Team
Rose Walsh Administrative Team
Dot Winslow Administration Team


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In the Vineyard
VOTF One-Year Anniversary

Page One

Reflections of
Dr. Jim Muller

Jim Post Looks Back with Gratitude

Convocation Reflections

VOTF- Hope in Action

National VOTF Office Staff

Book Review
The Prophetic Imagination

Say What?


VOTF Best Practices, February 2003

Announcements and Events of Note

Printer Friendly Version

In the Vineyard Archives

Current VOTF members, please re-register as part of our database update. New members, please register.

Voice of the Faithful is recognized as one of the most promising lay organizations to evolve in the Catholic Church. Your support is absolutely necessary for us to continue. The online donation form and the mail in donation form are both quick and easy ways for you to participate, and we are most grateful.

Mission Statement

To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.

Purple Cross

Our Goals

1. To support those who have been abused

2. To support priests of integrity

3. To shape structural change within Church

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Pray Each Day
at Noon

Jesus, Lord and Brother, help us with our faithfulness. Please hear our voice, and let our voice be heard. Amen. More



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