The Measure of a Voice

As Catholic archdioceses go, Boston’s must be credited for the clarity it brings to parishioners, to priests and to its lay ministers who may have an interest in or are actively engaged in Church service. Indeed, recent actions surrounding the tenure of much-loved pastor Fr. Walter Cuenin at Our Lady Help of Christians in Newton, MA can be regarded as a warning shot across the bow of the entire American Catholic effort at renewal.

Continuing its history of infantilizing priests, the Church here is advising all diocesan priests that if they have any thoughts of their own on any subject on which the Church comments – the kind of thoughts that grow in a mature and maturing conscience – do not speak of them. You are to be mouthpieces, followers, shadows of the men you might have been and all of this for the glory of the bishop and the honor of obedience, obedience, obedience.

Parishioners are to follow suit – ask no questions, demand no answers, Father knows best and, by the way, we still want your money. The parishioners of OLHC have one captain and he lives in the chancery. The parishioners of Our Lady’s may THINK they contributed to the fact of this parish’s place on the short list of all-time success stories in US parish history, but the truth is that a reputation for welcoming, for Christian charity and for joy in giving is far less valuable in diocesan-speak than a reputation for obedience, obedience, obedience.

And what of the 35,000 lay ministers now filling in the ranks of priests “gone missing,” the 100,000 catechists, the 18,000 lay people in training? These good people may see a new day dawning in the oft-illumined “communio” of which so many clerics speak but if Boston is any model, and I believe it is, that’s no sun on the horizon – it’s brass. All their talk about lay involvement doesn’t mean what you think. The Church is needing you, thanking you and counting on you for obedience, obedience, obedience – and your money.

Nothing is worse than what this Church has already done behind our backs – raping children and covering it up is as low as holy men can go. Shutting down parishes and schools in the ham-handed way demonstrated in Boston and/or ignoring sitting parish and finance councils in order to fire an outspoken priest on the most laughable of grounds, constitute in the end a clarion call to Catholics to act out. If lay people think this Church is going to get better by itself, we must think again. We can thank the archdiocese of Boston for clearing that up. The larger, more relevant question is what are lay people going to do about this latest assault? Will Catholics continue to support the charade of holy leadership?

No Christian faith can long withstand the kind of battle being waged in Boston against someone whose whole life speaks of inclusion, community and Gospel values. The good news is indeed good news, if you can take the long view: It isn’t lay people who are leaving this Church – it’s the hierarchy.

It remains to be seen what will come of the Our Lady’s travesty. Priests and lay people need each other. Voice of the Faithful has understood this dynamic from our earliest meetings, incorporating the care of the priesthood as our second goal. A march last Sunday drew over 1,000 supporters of Fr. Cuenin and included more than a few courageous priests speaking to the public (wearing their collars). Their presence was a profound moment in this archdiocese. One would like to think that this may be the renewal of a beautiful relationship – as it was in our beginnings. Time will tell.



In the Vineyard
October 6, 2005
Volume 4, Issue 13
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Letters to the Editor


A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Walter - Prayer Vigil, Our Lady Help of Christians, 9/26/05 



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