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“Hans Kung and the Church We Want to Be”
Richard Cross

I was touched by your editorial in the current issue of In the Vineyard, with its beautiful concluding words from Rilke. As to the question of what kind of Church ours should be, it would be hard to improve on Hans Küng's formulation in a 1981 talk, “The Church from Above and the Church from Below.” Here is the relevant passage:

"The first thing we have to tell ourselves again and again is that we are the People of God. And the Church at its origin for all its weaknesses and defects regards itself essentially as God's community, God's people. The Church therefore can never be merely a particular class or caste, or a clique within the community of believers. And we have to abolish this use of the word 'Church' just for some people in the Church.

The Church can only be the whole People of God, the whole ecclesia, assembly, community of believers. According to the New Testament, all are called by God, all are justified by Christ, all are sanctified in the Spirit, we are all invited to faith and active love. Consequently, we are all the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the holy people. And in this sense, in principle, we are all equal in the Church. And this basic equality is infinitely more important than all differences which obviously exist and have existed.

There are a lot of differences but all of this must not be made a system of domination. The Church from Below is also not merely the application of modern, enlightened understanding of democracy to the structures of the Church. I have nothing against democracy, and, as a matter of fact, if anything would be nearer to the New Testament constitution of the churches, then certainly it will be democracy, not monarchy. But that is not the main point.

The main point is that the Church from Below is rooted in the New Testament origin of the Church itself. It is a very primitive and Christian requirement. In as far as the Church is essentially God's people, charismatic community, fellowship of believers in Christ, it is essentially a Church from Below. The Church from Below therefore does not usurp power but exists on its legitimate right before the present rulers of the Church from Above."

I think of Küng's remarks when I hear Acts being read to us from the pulpit, as it is each Sunday at this season of the year. The kind of Church we emphatically don't want is the sort that tries to silence people like Küng or Leonardo Boff or, for that matter, Tom Reese or Roger Haight. It doesn't matter whether one agrees with their views or not. That's for each of us, in the freedom of his or her own mind and conscience, to determine. What matters is that we have the kind of conversation they seek to initiate.

In the Vineyard
June 2005
Volume 4, Issue 6
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