
Letters to the Editor

”Voice of the Faithful is a group of faithful Catholics formed in Boston in January of last year in response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis within our Church. As the people of God, as the Church and faithful Catholics must assume their individual roles in healing this wound to the Body of Christ.

The recent Supreme Court Decision in the Stogner matter has been another serious blow to those interested in Protecting Our Children. As a Catholic I liken this decision to Roe v. Wade. As a Catholic I am now calling on all members of my Church to mount the same type of intensive effort to demand that we focus attention to the living beings whose souls are murdered when as children they are sexually abused.

This decision now makes it clear to me that my Church, whom we have looked to for moral leadership, now must truly provide that leadership regarding all our children. I was personally disheartened by the remarks made by the Archdiocese spokesperson last week regarding the decision that any clergy affected by the decision would ‘not be allowed back into ministry.’ Then an attorney for the Archdiocese referred to the decision as ‘encouraging.’

These comments point out in BOLD HEADLINES that somehow the larger picture of the impact on our neighborhoods, communities and children is not a consideration to some of the leaders of our Church. About 800 individuals charged or convicted of sexual molestation are being released from their places of incarceration and are now ‘running free.’ Many remain unknown to the larger community. Our Church has not provided local parishes with information of those substantively accused and the dates and places that these priests have served.

In our positions as American citizens we must become pro-active and demand that our state legislatures, Congress, and the Supreme Court update whatever laws or statutes they must to remove any statute of limitations on the sexual abuse of children.

In our positions as Catholics we must acknowledge that the abused are in need of understanding, compassion and assistance – these victims are the Martyrs of this reformation – our Blessed Mother is acknowledged here in Los Angeles by our Church as a special patron for whom our Cathedral is named Our Lady Queen of the Angels. Mary is also known by the title ‘Queen of Martyrs’ and I trust she will embrace every one of these children who have been forced against their will to lives of long suffering and torture.

As Catholics we must be supportive and understanding of those priests who minister to our community with the love of Jesus in their hearts. We must, however, expect this same dedication and commitment from all of our ministers, all of our lay people, all of our priests, bishops and cardinals. We are all called to be imitators of Christ. It is time that we follow the example of the Good Samaritan and stop along our journey to tend to the wounded souls lying at the side of the road. Those wounded include those abusers who are clearly in need of understanding and compassion, treatment and intervention to keep them away from committing such acts ever again.

As Catholics we must be courageous and proactive in our efforts to be imitators of Christ; as we develop our patterns of love rather than judgment, our Church will renew itself by the Spirit of God working through all of the people and finally we can raise our heads and smile when we hear someone say, ‘See how those Christians love one another.’" Mary Jane McGraw, VOTF Southern California Regional Coordinator


“ As a VOTF member in Arizona, I strongly and vehemently urge VOTF president, Jim Post, to speak out about why the Vatican is setting aside the sexual abuse scandal, failing to make any meaningful or global reforms on that issue, while launching a global campaign and releasing a 12-page report on the immorality of gay marriages or for that matter, any other issue of morality whatsoever. This was done with the full blessing and approval of the Pope, so it is clear that any claims that he is too infirm to meaningfully respond to this scandal or to engage in swift resolution is ludicrous and even negligent.

The Vatican and it's many (too many) bureaucrats have zero credibility with me now, with this latest slap in the face and display of utter disregard for the truly faithful they are supposed to lead.

I increasingly believe that if we continue to play by "their rules" that we will lose. The rules are set up to exploit the masses and enrich the Vatican. If we continue this way, the dance will play out over many, many years, and we will ultimately get no place. Laity involved with VOTF across the country, indeed the world, are nicely requesting meetings with bishops, in some cases being completely ignored, as if we do not even exist. This preserves the status quo. We should be demanding change and demanding loudly and clearly that those bishops and other clergy who facilitated the sexual abuse of our young Catholics be removed from any position of authority in our Church.

For the Vatican to ignore our voices, to not even address the outrage of every moral Catholic over this scandal is unacceptable to me, and I hope it is also to this organization that I have turned to – VOTF – my last hope that there is a shred of integrity left in this Church.” Margie Schnell, Phoenix, AZ



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In the Vineyard
August 2003
Volume 2, Issue 9

Page One

Survivor Support News

Working Group Report - Structural Change

Parish Voice News

Events, Opportunities & News

Letters to the Editor

James E. Post - VOTF Lessons Learned One Year Later

Jim Muller - Voice for Change

Prayers for a new Archbishop in Boston

Printer Friendly Version

In the Vineyard Archives

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