
Copy deadline for the January 2004 issue is Monday, December 29. Please send inquiries and comments to leaderpub@votf.org To receive the VOTF quarterly Voices please call the office at 617-558-5252. The next issue is due mid-February. This is a hard copy publication. Contributions to VOTF can be made on line or mailed to VOTF, P. O. Box 423, Newton Upper Falls, MA 02464-0002

In the Vineyard
December 2003

“The Wise still seek Him.” Anonymous

In this issue, we wanted to consider the past year as a mound of wrapped gifts – of time given and received, of new faces and renewed friends, of fresh commitments and enlivened goals. For the January issue as well, our affiliates have been asked to package their reflections on their parish and diocesan lives; our working groups will “present” their gifts; our national office will bring to these pages their “keepers.” This month, too, Paul Kendrick takes us to Haiti. And the editorial page? I’ve decided to gift you with words that will resonate far more clearly than any I can write. As in E. B. White’s “Distant Music of the Hounds” – do read this some time in December – you may find yourself looking for a quiet wood. This small Edwina Gately poem was “discovered” on just the right, weary weekend of VOTF challenges. It has become my “keeper 2003” – as have all of you and the gifts you share with the Vineyard month after month. Merry Christmas to all.

Peggie Thorp, Editor

Disciple of Jesus

Disciple of Jesus, weary and silent,
Aware in the darkness, of challenges failed
And longings unfilled,
Remembering the passion that sent you forth,
Young and bright and fired with hope
How is it with you now?

Disciple of Jesus, weary and silent,
World unchanged, its darkness still deep,
Dreams dispelled and visions blurred,
How is it with you now?

Trailing behind me the spark of fire
Of early passion,
Bruised and tender from love’s long thrust,
Now is the finest, greatest moment,
And now the ultimate death,
For I, disciple of Jesus,
To stand before my God,
Weary and deeply silent,
Claiming only,
I was there.

This poem appears in Edwina Gately’s book I Hear a Seed Growing, published by Sources Books.

In this issue


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Voice of the Faithful is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization.


In the Vineyard
December '03
Volume 2, Issue 13

Page One

VOTF Election Update

Survivor Support News

Protecting Our Children Working Group

Priests' Support Working Group

Lay Education Working Group

Parish Voice News

Events, Opportunities & News

On the Road with VOTF

What Do You Think?

Prayer of the Month

Printer Friendly Version

In the Vineyard Archives

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Box 423,
Newton, MA

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Have you received your VOTF quarterly? If not, please call the VOTF office at 617-558-5252 and request the fall issue. Submissions for the quarterly are gratefully considered. Please contact Peggie Thorp at leaderpub@votf.org.

REMINDER: To contact an affiliate in your area, just go to the VOTF Web site at www.votf.org and click on Parish Voices for a menu. Choose "Directory," identify your state by region, click appropriately and you're there.