
Regional Events, Etc.


****ANNOUNCING the Boston premiere of an award winning film: “Holy Water-Gate: Abuse Cover-Up In The Catholic Church” – a documentary film made its Boston premiere on January 10 at Coolidge Corner Theater, Brookline, MA. Click here. SNAP’s David Clohessy says: “I’ve seen it - it's terrific.” The more people who see it in Boston, the more likely it will be aired elsewhere. Spread the word!

**** Healing Service for a Church in Crisis: An Invitation to Catholics of Greater Boston to Come Together, Pray, and Experience the Ever-faithful Love of God. Please join us for an evening of music, prayer and reflection rooted in the Taizé* tradition. 7:00 pm, Thursday, January 20, 2005 at the Paulist Center, 5 Park Street, Boston, MA 617 742-4460 (near the Park Street T stop).

****Boston College Online Offerings: What Makes Us Catholic? -- an exploration of Thomas Groome’s best-selling book What Makes Us Catholic; this is a non-credit 4-part course, which uses the Groome text, four video segments with Professor Groome and Dr. Barbara Radtke, and facilitated discussion. January 24 through February 18, 2005. (The site will be open for exploration and an online tutorial beginning January 10; the sessions begin January 24.) Cost: $75 plus cost of book.

Registration available through January 19 at the web site (click on Continuing Education, then Distance Education) or call Maureen Lamb at 800-487-1167 x8057.

Parents Handing on the Faith -- a discussion of the challenges of raising children Catholic in today’s less cohesive, more individualistic society. Anchored by Dr. Barbara Radtke in collaboration with Professor Thomas Groome*; a non-credit four-part course using online resources and small group discussion to use everyday "teachable moments" for sharing faith. March 28 through April 22, 2005 (The site will be open for exploration and an online tutorial beginning March 11; the sessions begin March 28.) Cost: $75. Registration available through March 22 at www.bc.edu/irepm. *Readers should be aware of Thomas Groome’s essay on this subject in Stephen Pope’s recently published Common Calling, which is reviewed in this issue under “January Book Review.”

Register online at: The online courses are co-sponsored by The Institute for Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry and The Church in the 21st Century Program

Also available beginning in January is a Spiritual Direction Supervision Program. This four-part seminar will teach and develop skills of peer supervision. Register online at: (Continuing Education) or by calling Maureen Lamb at 617-552-8057, or toll free at 800-487-1167 x8057.

And don’t forget the Boston College initiative “Church in the 21st Century” – visit their web site to request your free subscription to Resources, the periodical that covers many of the papers and lectures presented in the program.

****The Daily News Transcript honors Fr. Stephen Josoma, pastor of St. Susanna Church, Dedham, MA, with its first Man of the Year 2004. Read why.

****Boston VOTF responded in an Open Letter to Bishop Sean O’Malley to the Christmas Eve arrests of parishioners at Sacred Heart Church in South Natick, MA. The full text appears under New England News on the VOTF website.

*Taizé is a town in southeastern France and home to a religious order originally founded to revive the monastic tradition in Protestantism; it is now an ecumenical community. Today the Taizé tradition might consist of music, song, gospel readings, quiet meditation and chants. While new to many Catholics in the US, this prayerful environment is drawing much interest and support.


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In the Vineyard
January 2005
Volume 4, Issue 1

Page One

National News

Working Groups News


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