Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am. Matthew 18:20

Dear Friends:

As Holy Week 2006 approaches, our Catholic Church is beset with problems greater than have been seen in many decades. Many ask:

What can I possibly do - about Church closings; declining numbers of Catholics; financial mismanagement and bankruptcies; continuing accusations of clergy sexual abuse; mistrust between the laity and the hierarchy? It’s all so immense.

Here’s what you can do: join other Catholics in your area and around the country on Palm Sunday, April 9, for a special moment of prayer and discernment.

Our goal: To have thousands of people praying in one voice for the Church’s laity and leaders to reach an understanding of what all must do to make our Church a moral and loving spiritual community where children and adults alike are safe, nurtured and respected.

Our vision: That dozens of parishes and faith communities will organize small prayer vigils to say the same the prayer and listen to the same two readings on the evening of Palm Sunday. Several such prayer services are already organized. You can organize such a vigils at your parish. Click here to learn how.

Show solidarity: Show your commitment to this faith action by also wearing a purple ribbon on Palm Sunday. If you can’t attend a prayer service, light a candle in your window at 7p.m. on Palm Sunday evening and read the prayer and the readings at home with family, friends, or alone, knowing that many others are doing the same thing.

Forward this to a friend: Encourage others around the country and the world to say the prayer and do the readings. Ask your friends, even if they aren’t Catholic, to say the prayer for us.

The news today about our Church is tragic and frustrating.

But this holy season is a time when all Catholics who attend church - regular, occasional and returning - seek community in our shared faith. Together on Palm Sunday, may we arrive at a better understanding of how each of us can move our Church to wholeness. For this, we pray.

Join us all in prayer this Sunday evening.


Mary Pat Fox, President
Ray Joyce, Executive Director



Prayer Vigil


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