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Senator Marian Walsh of West Roxbury has filed Senate Bill 1074, “An Act Relative to Charities in Massachusetts”, that would require religious organizations to disclose financial information now required of all other nonprofit organizations. The Judiciary Committee of the Senate has scheduled a hearing for Senate Bill 1074 at the State House on August 10th. We urge all citizens who believe that transparency is the desired state in matters public to demonstrate their support for Senator Walsh’s bill by participating in this very important hearing.

Some in our society hold that religion is primarily an instrument of personal conversion. They believe that if institutions are managed by moral leaders, then such institutions will positively contribute to the common good. Catholic Social Teaching holds that individuals are not the only ones that need conversion. Institutions do, as well, and when institutions function unjustly, they pose an even greater threat than individuals do because institutions have a greater potential to perpetuate injustice.

Non-religious non-profits in Massachusetts have to disclose certain financial information to the Attorney General; it is only fair that churches do the same. Our churches need to support this bill. Our churches need to heed the words of St. Paul (Eph 5:8-9) “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light, for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth.”

By clicking on the links below you can obtain a copy and summary of the bill, as well as the Boston Globe endorsement and other relevant information.. I urge you to become knowledgeable of the provisions of this act.

The passage of Senate Bill 1074 sponsored by Sen. Marian Walsh and others including the members of the Steering Committee of the Boston Area VOTF Council (we are the only state where a citizen can sponsor a bill) will create sea and seismic change in our state and in our churches, and in our charities. We must work tirelessly to get it passed.

Here’s what you can do:
1. Come to the hearing at the State House on August 10 at 1:00P.M. (Room A-1). We will be assembling in Room 222 prior to the hearing. WEAR SOMETHING YELLOW, if possible – shirt, scarf, tie, etc. If there are enough of us they will need to move it to the Gardner Auditorium. That would be wonderful. A strong presence will capture the attention of both the legislature and the press. Consider hiring a bus to take a group to Boston. (The Friends of St Susanna are getting a bus which will be leaving the church parking lot in Dedham at 11:30 A.M. (It will cost about $10/person, much cheaper than gas/parking and hassle. Call Paul Foley at 781 326-5802 for a reservation.). It would be helpful for us to know how many are coming to the hearing. If you do plan to come, email your intent to johnhynes@voiceofthefaithful.org. Please indicate your name and phone number and the names of anyone you will be bringing with you.

2. Contact you legislators and ask them to co-sponsor the bill. A personal contact is best, so consider calling or writing them. (This is the best thing they can do- the more co-sponsors the more likely it is to pass.) Further , ask them to work for its passage, and to try to get other legislators to do so as well. For a list of legislators by town go to www.mass.gov/legis

3. Forward this message to 5 friends and urge them to do the same.
Thanks for your help
John Hynes, Boston Council VOTF

Senate Bill 1074
Summary of the Bill
Boston Globe Endorsement
Talking Points
Sponsors of the Bill
Members of the Judiciary Committee http://www.mass.gov/legis/comm/j19.htm



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