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From the Executive Director
Steve Krueger
Emmanuel, "God with us."

Like the three kings before us, VOTF "came bearing gifts" on January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany. With candlelight vigils that evening, affiliates around the region brought wrapped presents to the steps of their cathedrals and churches, symbolizing the many gifts to be found among laity everywhere, and in silent protest to the VOTF bannings that have occurred around the country.

For VOTF members, much of our focus has been on the relationship between the gifts of the laity and their use by the Church. So, it seems appropriate at this time to remind ourselves of the abundant gifts many of us have witnessed within our own organization. We are indeed blessed by this bounty of skills and time that benefit all of us. We have been blessed with a unique opportunity to see hope acted out in prayerful discernment toward the building of a stronger and healthier Church.

Wherever you go - from Maine to California - VOTF members share a deep love for the Church. Although we may experience honest disagreement as we stand in our own truth, there is a bond among our members that unites us, and is one of our strongest assets. It fortifies our hope and galvanizes our commitment.

Here in Boston, a small but dedicated staff of volunteers - including your officers and trustees - employees, and consultants serve VOTF. Our purpose here is to build an organizational and technological infrastructure where all voices will be heard and one that will continue to attract Catholics around the world. It is fair to say that those who serve feel called to do so and bring their gifts unselfishly to help fulfill the mission of VOTF. We are not here to make decisions for you. We are here to empower your voice in responding to the abuse of power we have witnessed in our beloved Church.

At the same time it is prudent to remember the enormity of the tasks we have undertaken. First, we are learning to bring our gifts to a hierarchical Church that has not actively sought to engage the voice of the laity. Second, in bringing our gitfs to the Church we are faithfully called to prayerfully discern them, as individuals and as an organization. Third, as we move ahead to fulfill our mission we are learning to use our collective gifts to build our own organization. All of this suggests that as we grow as individuals, as an organization, and as Church, we are witnessing a "work in process". For now there will be more questions than there are answers and we must embrace this and not be discouraged.

We acknowledge and discern our journey, witness the gifts of those of those around us, offer ours to them, and seek inclusion for all.

In the Vineyard
Table of Contents

Page One

From the Executive Director

Working Groups

Voices, Voices Everywhere!


In the News


In Brief

  • Linkup asks for VOTF's support for their Annual Healing Conference for survivors.

  • Please join the Paulist Center Community as they honor the recipient of the 2003 Isaac Hecker Award for Social Justice, Thomas P. Doyle, O.P. Canon Lawyer, Chaplain. More information

  • Jesuit Theologian Bill Clark to Speak in Maine Parishes on "The Role of the Laity in Today's Church" Fr. Clark to Speak in Saco on Jan. 22 & Calais on Feb. 2. More information

  • Jayne MacDonald, Chair of Membership and Recruitment, reports a suggestion from member Bill Sheehan. Bill proposes that every VOTF member identify ten contacts - friends, colleagues, extended family - and ask them personally to visit the VOTF website at Bill believes it is bound to grow our numbers, an imperative of future success.
  • Please note Jim Post's speaking schedule in the event you are in the area he is visiting and the meeting is open to the public. Jim would certainly value the support and the opportunity to meet fellow VOTFers.

  • Remarks by Steve Krueger at Feast of the Epiphany Memorial Vigil.

  • Print out the entire In the Vineyard newsletter to read at your leisure or distribute to friends who don't have internet.

  • Your donations to VOTF help us maintain our website, assist new affiliates, and provide regular communication to members and the media. You can donate online or mail a donation to us at PO Box 423, Newton, MA 02464. Thanks for your generosity, which has been tremendous.

Please forward submissions to In the Vineyard to



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In the Vineyard
January 2003
Vol 2, Issue 1

Page One

From the Executive Director

Working Groups

Voices, Voices Everywhere!

Current VOTF members, please re-register as part of our database update. New members, please register.

Voice of the Faithful is recognized as one of the most promising lay organizations to evolve in the Catholic Church. Your support is absolutely necessary for us to continue. The online donation form and the mail in donation form are both quick and easy ways for you to participate, and we are most grateful.

Mission Statement

To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.

Purple Cross

Our Goals

1. To support those who have been abused

2. To support priests of integrity

3. To shape structural change within Church

right line

Pray Each Day
at Noon

Jesus, Lord and Brother, help us with our faithfulness. Please hear our voice, and let our voice be heard. Amen. More



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