
A Gathering Prayer

This short prayer was written by a VOTF meeting attendee and became that group's opening prayer for each of their gatherings. It has since been adopted by several others.

Let's take a moment to center ourselves in the presence of our brother Jesus Christ. As two or more, we gather in His name. As He promised, so we believe in His presence among us. We ask our parent God to send His Spirit to guide our every word and action here today toward our Savior's vision for the community He left behind and continues to embrace as we embrace His Presence among us. Amen



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In the Vineyard
September '03
Volume 2, Issue 10

Page One

Survivor Support News

Jim Post visits the Pacific Northwest

Working Group Reports: Structural Change and Voice of Renewal

Parish Voice News

Events, Opportunities & News

Best Practices

Letters to the Editor

Education Corner

A VOTF Gathering Prayer

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