
Best Practices
From Kathy Mullaney, Wellesley, MA

Arriving at St Anthony's in the Field in Terrey Hills, Sydney, Australia, we parked behind the round parish building and strolled up to the Churchy initially viewing their kitchen through the full wall of sliding glass doors with its huge harvest dining table. It reminded me of Susan Troy (National Prayerful Voice chair) reminder that the Mass, the re-creation of the Last Supper, is basically sharing a meal together - this Church had it right. One of their Family Groups was about to have its "Christmas in July" celebration after the 5pm Mass. Children hopped and skipped around the grounds flowing in and out of all the open church and kitchen doors while the adults greeted each other and busily prepared to share their evening together. There was much community living everywhere!



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In the Vineyard
September '03
Volume 2, Issue 10

Page One

Survivor Support News

Jim Post visits the Pacific Northwest

Working Group Reports: Structural Change and Voice of Renewal

Parish Voice News

Events, Opportunities & News

Best Practices

Letters to the Editor

Education Corner

A VOTF Gathering Prayer

Request a Copy of Annual Report

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In the Vineyard Archives

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