
VOTF National Election News

It is time for the election of Voice of the Faithful's national officers for 2005. This is an invitation to you to take part in the governance of Voice of the Faithful by nominating qualified candidates for the positions of president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary/clerk.

Last year, the Election Committee, with the support of the Representative Council, opened the election to any registered member. The same process will be used again this year - the precedent set by last year's election was reviewed with the Representative Council in September. In the event there is more than one qualified candidate for each position, a primary election is being considered.

You are eligible to nominate a qualified candidate, including yourself, if you are a registered member. If you have not registered yet on the VOTF Web site, we encourage you to do so. Nominations will be accepted through October 21, 2004 9:00pm EST. We will keep you informed of timing of the election period.

An Election Committee will oversee the election. All nominees will be interviewed and screened for their qualifications by a Nominating Committee.

Thank you for taking the time to review this and for participating in this process. Your participation as a member of Voice of the Faithful is an integral part of the processes that will ensure the continued vitality of the organization and movement.

Jim Walsh Acting Election Committee Chairperson

P.S. If you are interested in serving on either the Election Committee or the Nominating please let us know in the space provided on the nominating form . It is important that we have a nationally representative oversight process.


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Voice of the Faithful is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization.


In the Vineyard
October 2004
Volume 3, Issue 9

Page One

Priests’ Support Working Group

Events, Opportunities & News


Something To Think About

Letters to the Editor

Printer Friendly Version

In the Vineyard Archives

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Box 423,
Newton, MA

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