

Making a Joyful Noise

Last month, we heard from some readers that they were working on a VOTF song, either for their own affiliate or general interest. We invited submissions for publication in this newsletter and received the following from Sr. Delores Duffner, OSB, at St. Benedict's Monastery in St. Joseph, MN. It is sung to the tune of "How Can I Keep From Singing?" found in WLP's Word and Song, OCP's Heritage Missal, and GIA's RitualSong.


1. Today the Gospel sends us forth,
disciples blessed for mission:
to speak and live the truth in love-
from Christ, our great commission. R)

R) All praise and glory be to God,
whose pow'r, transforming slowly,
will heal this broken Church and world,
making them new and holy.

2. In time of doubt and disarray,
in pain and loss distressing,
we pray for light and work for right,
our faith in Christ confessing. R)

3. The reign of God, unnoticed now,
like yeast in dough, is growing
and, like the smallest deed of love,
extends beyond our knowing. R)

4. Baptized to serve, the Church is sent
enlivened, gifted, willing.
The Spirit has empowered us,
the word of Christ fulfilling. R)

Text: Luke 13:20-21 and 24:44-53; Acts 1:7-8; Ephesians 3:20-21 and 4:15; Revelation 21:5; Delores Dufner, OSB, © 2004 by the Sisters of St. Benedict, 104 Chapel Lane, St. Joseph, MN 56374-0220. Used with permission.

Tune: ENDLESS SONG: Quaker Hymn 87 87, with refrain 87 87 by Robert Lowry, 1826-1899

Themes: Trust in God's slow transformation of all in our world that needs healing; the mission of all the baptized to pray and to serve, to live and teach the Gospel in love; our faith in Christ and our empowerment by the Holy Spirit

Use: Recessional, especially in times of challenge and crisis


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In the Vineyard
July 2004
Volume 3, Issue 7

Page One

Parish Voice News

Reports From the Field

Letters to the Editor

Events, Opportunities & News

Making a Joyful Noise

Printer Friendly Version (WORD)

In the Vineyard Archives

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