Dear Friends,

As we all take a break from our daily schedules to be with family and friends during this Christmas season may this season of miracles fill you with faith, hope, and love.

Faith that we can make change happen
Hope for the impossible to become possible
Love of one another to work together to Keep the Faith and Change the Church

Our beliefs make up our reality and to experience miracles you have to believe they can happen. What miracles have you had in your life this past year? Many I hope. In Voice of the Faithful we have had a few. Who would have thought that groups of VOTF members in individual states could continue to be successful in changing the statutes of limitations on child sex abuse in their legislatures? Or that vigiling parishes would be heard and remain open? Who would have thought a year ago that the Pope would sanction Marcial Maciel Degollado? Or issue a statement in support of victims and survivors?

All of these “miracles” happened because of survivors’ courage to continue to come forward and tell their story. All of these “miracles” happened because of the willingness of priests of integrity to continue to speak up. And all of these “miracles” happened because of you – your prayers, your hard work and your vigilance.

I pray that each of you has a safe, happy and blessed Christmas, that you recognize and embrace the miracles in your life, and that together we have a new year filled with faith, hope and love.


Mary Pat



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