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April 22 Statement from VOTF Regarding the Vatican Meeting of Cardinals

We speak as members of the Voice of the Faithful, a group of the faithful with over 2000 supporters in over 12 nations. We have formed in response to the crimes of sexual abuse by Catholic Priests and the institutional efforts to conceal those crimes.

While we are pleased that the Vatican has taken emergency measures to respond to this crisis, we are concerned, for two reasons, that the process, as described in the media, is not adequate to address the entire problem.

First, it appears that the Vatican effort is targeted only at the problem of sexual abuse by clergy and does not plan to address the causes of the institutional failures in responding to the crimes of abuse.

Second, solution of these two problems, the crimes and the institutional failures requires complete information about the situation, and all the resources of the Church. The laity are needed to describe the public and personal response of the faithful to the problems, and to add their strength to the search for a solution.

Therefore, we have the following requests to the Vatican:

First, We call for a broadening of the discussion beyond sexual abuse, to acknowledge and explore the underlying cause of the institutional failures.

Second, We ask that those in the Vatican responsible for these discussions seek input from the involved laity, who have information about the problem that is required for its solution.

Voice of the Faithful, as the largest organization of laity formed in response to this crisis, requests that a Voice delegation, be permitted to meet with Vatican officials within the next several weeks. The delegation, which will include survivors of abuse, will be able to present the perspective of the laity on the devastating effects of the crimes and institutional failures on the victims, and on all of the faithful.

Both a clear understanding of the depth of the problem, and the full support of the laity, are essential for the redemption and improvement of a severely damaged Church. We offer our prayers that a better Church will emerge from this crisis.

We ask that the American Cardinals participating in the meetings in Rome this week support this request by the Faithful to have a Voice in subsequent Vatican discussions.




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Mission Statement

To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.


Our Goals

1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

2. To support priests of integrity

3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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