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Statement from Jim Post, President of Voice of the Faithful,
Regarding Archdiocese of Boston’s Deposition of Therapists

January 17, 2003 - The Archdiocese of Boston remains at "ground zero" in the clergy sexual abuse crisis scandal. Decisions made in Boston set the tone for the American Catholic Church relative to administering true healing and reconciliation for survivors and laity. Regrettably, decisions continue to be made by church leaders that exacerbate the wounds of sexual abuse.

The decision to depose therapists whose services to survivors are paid for by the Office of Healing and Assistance Ministry undermines Bishop Richard Lennon's message of bringing unity and healing to the Archdiocese of Boston.

As Apostolic Administrator, Bishop Lennon has allowed legal tactics to trump moral leadership. Legal tactics do not make good policy. The archdiocesan policy of assisting survivors is undermined when therapists, who are paid to assist survivors, are subpoenaed for testimony.

This action is likely to dissuade survivors from coming forward and trusting the Office of Healing as well as the Archdiocese of Boston. These new depositions significantly set back the victims’ recovery process.

It may be standard legal practice, but Bishop Lennon has to ask: “What is the best pastoral thing to do to help the Archdiocese of Boston recover?”







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To provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.


Our Goals

1. To support survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

2. To support priests of integrity

3.To shape structural change within the Catholic Church.

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