Voice of the Faithful's New Newsletter
Sept 15, 2006


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Voice of the Faithful Focus – A brief update highlighting both a problem in our church and some progress being made as we work together to Keep the Faith, Change the Church.

PROBLEM: Joseph Smith, the former chief financial officer of the Diocese of Cleveland (OH) was recently indicted for receiving $784,000 in kick backs during his term in office. The kick backs were related to his allegedly steering $17.5 million in diocesan business to Anton Zgoznik, a former diocesan employee who had worked under Smith as assistant treasurer. Rumors of Smith’s improprieties surfaced in 2004 when he resigned only to reappear in the same position with the Diocese of Columbus (OH). Press reports have alleged that former Bishop Pilla both knew of the kick back scheme and recommended Smith to the Columbus position. The time for accountability is now! Click here to learn more about our Campaign for Financial Accountability.

PROGRESS: Recently leaders of the Boston Area VOTF Council, representing 30 affiliates, met with Cardinal Seán O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston along with other archdiocesan officials. Agenda items discussed included the pending statutes of limitations bills (since passed and awaiting the governors signature), a diocese-wide registry of abusers, the ban on meeting on church property, the on-going work between the archdiocese and VOTF’s Protecting Our Children working group and the potential for collaboration in other areas. The VOTF leaders were optimistic that the meeting could be the beginning of a collaboration around solutions to bring all Catholics together; hierarchy, clergy, and laity, in the pursuit of the mission of the church. "Our common bond is Jesus Christ. Our common work is the continuation of His mission. With that in mind, we hope to build a relationship of mutual trust," according to Dorothy Kennedy, President of the Boston Area Voice of the Faithful Council. "We had an honest exchange of views about issues that concern us." To learn more about what VOTF is doing in your diocese Click here to contact a VOTF member in your area.




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